a Full-Line material handling solutions provider for Hospitals, Universities, Auto Dealers, Manufacturing Facilities, Distribution Centers, Law Firms, Financial Institutions & more...
HS Industrial Equipment, Inc is upstate New York's leading distributor of material handling & industrial storage equipment solutions.
We have been proudly serving the industries of Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and the southern tier since 1960. We are full-service organization providing design, layout, set-up and installation of all products - including Laboratory Casework, Fume Hoods & Counter Tops. Service, quality and satisfaction are our promise and guarantee.
Western NY's source for mobile Shelving and high density storage solutions...
Expanding on our Space Efficiency line, HS Industrial Equipment is now a dealer & installer of Montel Mobile Storage solutions!
Established in 1924, Montel is North America's leading manufacturer of Mobile & High Density Storage systems.
Conventional fixed-aisle storage solutions may require you to buy, build or rent additional space to accommodate your growing or expanding business. Montel's Industrial mobile storage systems can help prevent the need for these costly measures. Montel's systems have many applications too, including:
Mobile Racking Systems
Mobile Shelving with Modular Drawers
Mobile Art Storage
And much more!
Established in 1924, Montel Inc. is the pioneer of high-density mobile shelving storage system solutions in North America. To learn more about Montel and/or for a no-obligation space storage analysis, contact us at 585-424-4800
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Auto / Industrial
Looking to maximize space in your plant, manufacturing facility or distribution center? Could your Auto Parts department benefit from vertical expansion - with the addition of a shelving platform or catwalk system? Is your safety equipment up-to-date, ensuring that your employees and assets are protected?
HS Industrial, has been an area leader in Material Handling and Storage Solutions for the Automotive & Industrial Goods industries for over 55 years.
We are also WNY's source for mobile industrial racking, including mobile tire storage & mobile warehouse rack!
H.S. Industrial is a full service provider of ergonomic workspace efficiency solutions for your Research & Development facility. We offer complete lay-out, design and installation services and will work closely with you to ensure your needs are met.
Laboratories come in many forms, each having different needs when it comes to creating an efficient workspace: We provide numerous storage solutions including workstations, laboratory casework & mobile storage systems for industries like:
Microelectronics Manufacturing
Food & Beverage
Plastics Injection Molding
Institutional (K-12, Universities, Forensics Labs)
HS Industrial is a full service, work-space efficiency solutions provider for any medical center. Our product line will enable you to keep equipment clean & secure, maximize your space and simplify inventory management. We are premier provider of both Metal and Plastic Laminate Laboratory Casework in the Rochester, Buffalo & Syracuse NY markets
We can help with lay-out and design of areas such as Sterile Processing, Central Sterile Supply, Operating Rooms, Laboratories, Biomedical Departments, Distribution Centers, Sub-Basements, Pharmacies and more!